When you’ve been looking for a simple video marketing package for some time but it all seems too complicated and overwhelming, The Be Brave Club will jumpstart your new online presence.
This package is for:
If this sounds like you and your brand, keep reading.
Book in a Video Marketing Game Plan call today
to find out if the Be Brave Club is right for you.
This package is designed to help those who want to really jumpstart their video marketing efforts.
As a business owner or marketing professional, you know that video is THE way to stand out online. It’s just so versatile, engaging and loved by most platforms – Social Media & Google.
If you’re not using video marketing you’re probably feeling left behind, not even knowing where to start. You may have dabbled in posting videos in the past, seen some positive traction, but not got the results you hoped for.
One of the key reasons we’ve identified for that is:
Making sure your videos have valuable content and then how you implement your video marketing strategy are key to growing your online presence.
We’ve specifically formulated this package to make sure you and your business can stand out online. Whatever your ultimate goal is, video marketing will help you reach it
The Be Brave Club is a video marketing package that consists of 3 interlocking elements.
Pick and mix from our menu of videos tailored so you can create a professional first impression and stand out with impact.
Learn the rules and techniques of video marketing so that you can confidently create your own videos too.
Our online ‘safe space’ community, to pre-show videos you’ve created, get feedback, support, ideas & tips.
You’ll get a discovery session during the pre-production phase to really dig down into your intentions, goals and purpose. Then we’ll be able to advise the best strategies to implement and which 3 of our core video templates are going to work best for you.
Our crew will rock up with everything they need and work their magic. They’ll spend up to 8 hours with you and your team capturing everything we need to create your perfect starter videos.
You’ll receive your edited videos shortly after and you’ll be armed with the content you need to execute your marketing plan.
You’ll get access to our online course created specifically for the Be Brave Club.
There is a definitely place for homegrown video marketing if it’s done well… So our solution is to help you do just that. You can be confidently creating your own marketing videos to post out alongside your shiny new professional videos to really make an impression online.
We’ve set up this closed Facebook group as a support community to help give you the confidence you need to start sharing your videos.
You’ll be able to use this ‘safe space’ to pre-share your videos, get feedback, support, encouragement, tips, advice and creative ideas.
Join in conversations with like minded business owners and marketing professionals who are all on a similar journey to yourself.
We appreciate it’s a big leap to put yourself out there, to go after your goals and be experimental with your marketing.
We’ll support you and get you well on your way to reaching your potential.
Book in a Video Marketing Game Plan call today
to find out if the Be Brave Club is right for you.